Subject: Light Talks
Verantwortlich: hernandp@hu-berlin.deAn diese Liste verteilte Nachrichten werden unbegrenzt archiviert (Web-Zugriff nur durch Abonnent:innen, Mail-Zugriff nur durch Listeneigentümer:innen).
Light Talks (formerly Friday Light Talks) is an initiative by PhD and postdoctoral researchers of the Institut für Physik sponsored by the Berlin University Alliance and Through a programme of regular talks and network events taken place regularly at the Physics Department, Light talks goal is to harbour a supportive community of early career researchers, brought together by a shared passion for knowledge and connection. Hosted by physicists working in quantum optics and nanophotonics at Humboldt University, these regular events provide a welcoming context for students and young researchers to meet, interact, and learn from one another over a drink. Whether discussing scientific topics or exploring issues of career development, mental health, and diversity in academia, the Friday Light Talks are a platform for empowering the next generation of scientific leaders.