Subject: Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations
This is the mailing list of the "Laboratory: Anthropology of Environment | Human Relations", an initiative of scholars of both the Institute of European Ethnology and the IRI THESys at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Humboldt University Berlin). Subscribers to the mailing list get updates on the lab's activities and get notified about events/dates especially.When you sign up to our mailing list, your email address and the date and time of the registration are collected and stored. Your name will be collected and saved too, but only if you choose to state it. The email address is stored in order to be able to send you information. The other personal data that is collected in the registration process is necessary to prevent abuse of the service and the email address. Therefore the double opt-in method is used for the registration process of the mailing list subscription: This means that the registration is only completed when it is confirmed via visiting a web address which is sent via a initial email. The personal data stated above is used only for distributing information via our mailing list. The personal data is not processed for any other use and it is not shared with third parties.
Once you subscribed to the mailing list, you consent to the data processing as stated above. The legal basis for this data processing is article 6 paragraph 1a of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the EU. You can revoke your consent any time by signing off of the mailing list. You have the right to request which personal data is stored by us about you and obtain a copy of the data. For such inquiries and other questions, please contact us (see for contact information).
Please read the complete privacy policy on the lab's website: